I founded Greer because I wanted to create a place whose purpose was solely, always, 100%, steadfastly, positive, a place devoted to good feelings, intelligent thought and the celebration of beauty. A previous career in advertising honed my appreciation of creativity and design and cemented an interest in the power of communication. And an upbringing marked by plenty of report card notations that “Chandra is such a polite child” hard-wired a lifelong commitment to promoting appreciation, respect and doing the right thing, my definition of civility. Greer is devoted to bringing you a collection that makes your world a more positive, beautiful and thoughtful place, from an array of designers, large and small who are dedicated to doing the same. ~ Chandra Greer

We operated a retail shop in Chicago for many years until the pandemic closed our doors. Soon, through our website, we found our products were offering comfort and connection during a difficult time so we adapted and expanded our business to meet the stationery needs of people across the US, closing our physical shop on Webster Avenue.

In 2019, the innovative UK retailer, Wolf & Badger, invited us to become their stationery partner at their New York store located at 95 Grand Street in Soho. Wolf & Badger's vision, ethical practices and cutting-edge aesthetic have been an inspiration to us throughout our partnership.

Three years after opening the Soho shop, we expanded our presence to Wolf & Badger's second US location, 8500 Melrose in LA.